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States of Being
Center for Coaching & Leading
Founding Director, Linda Belans, Ed.D.

Belans clearly elaborates the essential equity questions that should be at the heart of every decision a school leader makes. – Dr. Mahalia Hines, President, Common Ground Foundation; Board Member, Obama Foundation; former Board Member, Chicago Board of Education

7 Essential Equity Questions
Linda Belans, EdD.
How are we beginning with Self to examine implicit and explicit biases?
What does an equitable school look like, feel, and sound like for students, staff and families?
How are we creating a sense of belonging?
How are we creating conditions for students, staff, and families to feel free to be authentic?
What are we doing to inhibit this?
How are we noticing and acting upon opportunities to interrupt systemic and structured racism, classism, sexism, and gender discrimination?
How are we actively creating equitable schools, organizations, and communities?
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