States of Being
Center for Coaching & Leading
Founding Director, Linda Belans, Ed.D.

How To Speak Truth To Power
Linda Belans, EdD.
Center yourself
Inhale 4 counts Exhale 8 counts
Inhale Calm. Exhale Courage
Engage your moral compass
Do research
Practice before you engage; imagine their responses
Know what you are willing to risk
Do not endanger others
Be curious
Be respectful
Remain calm, not angry
Keep a quiet ego
Make it situational not personal
Speak to be heard, not to hurt
Remain unattached to the outcome; outcomes can change
Center yourself
Inhale 4 counts Exhale 8 counts
Inhale Calm. Exhale Courage
Afterward: note what you did well so you can repeat it
Note what you would do differently next time
Practice Practice Practice